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#3. Understanding Kidneys: Functions, Diseases, and Prevention.

Delving into the intricate realm of our physiology, the kidneys stand as two remarkable sentinels nestled in the lower back. Acting as diligent custodians of our well-being, these small organs take center stage in the grand symphony of our bodily functions. Their primary mission involves the meticulous filtration and extraction of waste from our lifeblood, a process that is indispensable for sustaining our overall health. Yet, despite their pivotal role, the vulnerability of our kidneys to various diseases adds a layer of complexity to their narrative. In this exploration, we embark on a journey to unravel the mysteries of kidney functions, shedding light on their significance while navigating the avenues of disease prevention. Join us as we delve into the intricacies of these vital organs, understanding their functions, exploring potential diseases, and embracing proactive measures to safeguard our kidney health.

Rebacca Burke

#4. Matters of the Heart and Kidney.

February is American Heart Month, a month dedicated to raising awareness of the importance of a healthy heart and encouraging healthy habits that help reduce the risk of heart disease. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) , heart disease is the leading cause of death among Americans with one person in the U.S. dying every 34 seconds from heart disease. Furthermore, approximately 805,000 people in the U.S. have a heart attack every year and 20.1 million adults 20 years or older have coronary artery disease (CAD) – damage or disease in the major blood vessels (the most common form of heart disease).

Heart-Kidney Nexus: A Dual Threat Unveiled.

The intricate dance between heart and kidney health reveals a profound interconnection. Kidney disease can instigate heart issues, as the heart exerts additional effort to circulate blood to compromised kidneys, gradually paving the way for heart disease. Conversely, damaged kidneys impede effective blood filtration, allowing excess fluid and waste to accumulate, potentially harming other organs, notably the heart. In this symbiotic relationship, heart disease further challenges the kidneys, disrupting their function and contributing to the development of kidney disease. Understanding this delicate balance underscores the significance of holistic care for both cardiovascular and renal well-being.

Basically, heart disease is any heart or blood vessel problem that keeps your heart from pumping blood as well as it should. This includes CAD, blood clots, heart attacks or problems with your heart’s muscles, valves or heartbeat. When you have heart disease, your heart cannot pump blood through your body as effectively. Your body compensates for this by retaining more salt and water and putting more pressure on your veins. Any of these changes make it harder for your kidneys to perform their job, ultimately damaging them and leading to kidney disease.

#5.Support from Intertek Ghana Limited

We appreciate Intertek Ghana Limited for their support ahead of the 2nd quarter blood donation drive, which comes off on the 22nd of June 2024 at the fourcourt of the National Youth Authority.

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Rebacca Burke

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